Sound Waves Student Book 4



Sound Waves’ structured literacy approach is the key to reading, writing and spelling success.

Sound Waves Literacy is an evidence-informed program. Instruction builds from Foundation to Year 6 and covers four key areas of teaching: phonemic awareness, synthetic phonics, morphology and etymology.

Sound Waves Student Book 4 activities consolidate the explicit teaching of phonemes, graphemes and focus concepts. Activities include*:

  • identifying focus phonemes in words
  • segmenting words into phonemes
  • reading, writing and spelling words
  • working with spelling, vocabulary and morphology concepts.

Each book contains an introductory unit which establishes the basic concepts needed to begin working with the program, along with 35 sound units covering the 43 phonemes of Australian English and their most common graphemes. Sound units also include challenges. 

In the back of the book are Helpful Hints to aid students in making correct spelling choices, space for students to segment every Focus Word, as well as a list of Extension Words for every sound unit.

View Sound Waves Student Book 4 sample pages.

* Features differ across year levels.

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